West Swindon Parish Council

The Parish Council's main income is from the Parish Precept. If you are a householder in the West Swindon Parish, this is collected through your Council Tax bill.

Over the last two years, similar to all small businesses, the Parish Council has experienced significant increases in day to day running costs across the business particularly fuel (doubly impacted by Government changes to red diesel subsidy), machinery, consumables and play parts. The budget planning for running costs needs to increase in line with national picture.

Looking ahead the Parish Council has a number of financial issues including planning for an extension to its leased premises, new vehicle lease agreements and/or purchase of vehicles and ongoing replacement of mowing machinery. The combined costings alongside overall increases to wider running costs amount to a budget increase of 20%

For 2024- 2025, the Parish Council will be increasing the income from the Parish Precept by 20% from last year. For individual households, the precept increase will vary. For a Band D property a 20% increase is around c.£22.14 compared to what you paid last year, and is the equivalent of £1.84 extra per month. Swindon Borough Council will publish the Parish precepts set across Swindon, the figures for the next financial year can be found here:

A summary of the Parish Council's budget allocations is as follows:

Precept 24


It is important to the Councillors in the West Swindon Parish that there is transparency and accountability for its financial decisions and practices. The Parish Council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the Council has a sound system of internal control. In order to comply with the duty the Council resolves annually to agree a Statement of Internal Control and appoints an internal auditor to assess and report on these processes.

It also publishes information about its payments and salaries. See below.


At the end of the financial year (31st March), the Internal Auditor receives the accounts for last 12 months and gives the Council an annual internal audit report to support the Council to complete its Annual Governance Statement. This is submitted to external auditors and details are available from the Parish Office.

The West Swindon Parish Council will publish details of its accounts at the end of each financial year along with information about how the public can inspect the accounts. The external audit papers for 2023 can be seen here as follows:

The Council's Financial Regulations governing the internal and external auditing process are covered by the regulation issued under provisions of section 27 of the Audit Commission Act 1998. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 1995 set out requirements for local Councils in relation to audit and accounting practices.

Members of the public can ask to see the report and associated information or ask for a copy. Please contact the office for further information, further details are in the Notice of Conclusion of Audit above.

Payments over £500

In line with the Transparency Statutory Code requirements and shows payments made to suppliers with a value of £500 or over.

There are a number of exemptions and redactions from the data in line with the Transparency Code requirements, including the exemption of non-commercial payments to specific individuals which cannot be disclosed as they are covered by Data Protection Act requirements. Employee payments information is also not included.

Details of payments for 2021-22 are as follows

Payments over £500 at 31.3.22

Pay Policy Statement 2023

West Swindon Parish Council Pay Policy Statement 2023

Staff Structure 2023

© Copyright West Swindon Parish Council